Monday, May 31, 2010

Proud To Be An American

"And I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free. and I won't forget the men who died, who gave that right to me."
~Lee Greenwood~

Happy Memorial Day! Today is a day for remembering those who lost their lives while fighting for our country and the freedoms that we have today because of what they did. I'm glad I'm at the age where I can realize and appreciate the real meaning of today. It's not just a day where there is no school or work, though it is a plus.

Speaking of work, I too did not have to work today. I didn't know it until I had already driven to my friend's house to pick her up. We ride together since her car is in the process of getting fixed. When I got to her house she told me we didn't work today and that our boss had texted her at 5:30. She never called or texted me so I had no idea. I kind of thought it was weird that we had to work on a National holiday, but the job I have isn't like a normal job so it didn't seem that weird. I would think that as an employer she would have contacted me instead of just assuming that my friend, Stephanie, would tell me. It was kind of irritating to drive to Steph's only to find out that I had just wasted time and gas, even though she doesn't live that far.

Anyway, not having to work today was a great ending to an extended weekend. Alina was able to come and spend the night on Saturday. We went out to lunch at Carino's and then went shopping. We tried to find something as a VERY belated birthday present, but we had no luck in Albany. We went to pretty much every store here to find some clothes or something that she would like, but the selection in all the stores was limited and looked "too young" for her. So we're going to wait until I go to Salem (they have a great mall) unless something jumps out at me.

We also made cupcakes. I found the really cute baking cups that were red, blue and white. Alina made fun of me for being so excited about them. How could I not though? They weren't plain old baking cups and I felt that they would make the cupcakes that much better. She told me I don't act my age. They were kind of a waste though because they just ended up in the trash. I didn't want them to be plain cupcakes so we did funfetti cupcakes with cream cheese frosting and a Swedish fish on top. They didn't look bad or ugly, but they were definitely cuter in my mind. I don't know, I guess I just can't stand plain cupcakes anymore since I made those flower ones. They turned out great though and it was fun making them together. We went to church the next morning and then came home and I made breakfast since we only had time to grab bananas on our way out the door. The Titus family came over and we had a BBQ. It was delicious and fun. I love when family gets together. I'm glad that there are relatives that live close enough to be able to get together often. I love my family and I'm extremely blessed and grateful to have them in my life.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Makeover Time!

I have now given my blog a complete makeover. I changed the background, the colors of the text to match, and added some fun extras. I spent quite a bit of time searching online for all of the new additions and I am very pleased with the outcome. As much as I loved my blog before, I love it even more now. I feel like it's more me. Now I just need to makeover the number of people that actually read my blog. I'm not expecting lots of readers, but it would be nice to have more than two followers. Ten would make me happy. It's a good solid number. It would be great to have more than ten, but I won't pick a number because it would probably be too ambitious. I guess that's all that is on my mind at the moment.

Still Suffering

"Insomnia is a gross feeder. It will nourish itself on any kind of thinking, including thinking about not thinking." ~Clifton Fadiman

Okay so its almost 4 a.m. and I'm still awake. WHY? I have no idea why I am still suffering from insomnia. I am not stressed about anything, at least not consciously. This is the second night in a row that I've been up this late. Or is it early? Yesterday I was up until around this time. I was only asleep for little while and then woke up as it the sun was starting to some up. I ended up sleeping until 2 p.m. I can't keep doing this. Ugh... I'm tired, but I can't sleep. Quite the dilemma and I don't know how to fix it.

Anyway, I changed my blog background because my old one, while cute, was too dark for me. I wanted something a little lighter and happier. It's probably because it's summer. Well, I hope you like the new layout. I'm going to go give this sleeping thing another try. Good Morning!!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

It's Time To Play Family Feud!

To me it seems like my family has been playing our own version of Family Feud and it's NOTHING like the game show. I swear we are like a family you would see on a reality t.v. show. There is so much unnecessary ongoing drama and many unbelievable things that happen that make me positive we would make for great evening entertainment. I'm not quite sure if that's a good or bad thing.

The events that have recently transpired just seem so surreal to me. I was right in the middle of everything and I still can't believe it. I just can't comprehend the nerve of some people and how selfish they can be and not see the negative effects that their poor decisions have on the people they care about.

This past week I was stressed beyond belief, became an insomniac, shed more tears than I knew I could produce, and did the most rebellious thing in my life. I learned a really important lesson through it all: My family will be there for me 100% and do whatever is necessary to protect the people they love.

Oh, anyone who says that t.v is bad or that it's not educational, unless it is an educational channel of course, is very wrong. My family and I used some knowledge that could have only been learned from watching the shows that we do (except when studied in school). We watch them together on a weekly basis in fact. The family that watches crime shows together stays together :)

I am so ready to have a normal summer like any other 19 year old, but then again, my life has never been normal and I have had to deal with things that most people my age (and older) haven't had to endure. I used to believe that things happened for a reason. I guess I still do, but I have yet to figure out the reasons behind the hand I was dealt. I mean the obvious one is that all the obstacles make me a stronger person, but there has to be more than that. Right? I feel that if that were the only lesson to be learned that I could have done without some of the crap I've had to put up with. Unfortunately, the crap keeps coming so I just figure there must be more. Can't wait to see what's next. Not. Well, maybe just a little.

Also, I just want to say that my sister, Alina, is the bravest 12 year old around. She is so strong. Even though I am the older sister, sometimes I can't help but look up to her. She is amazing and I love her to death!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Cupcakes, Catching Up and Chores

Today Mimi took the cupcakes to the office and they were a hit! I had some left over ones so I decided to take them to the missionaries. They weren't there so I hung out at my friend Amanda's place for about two hours. I didn't want to leave them on the door step because it was pouring down buckets of rain (typical Oregon weather). It was nice to catch up with her since I only saw her briefly since I've been home. We even discovered we have similar taste in what t.v. shows we watch. We both like Bones, Criminal Minds, NCIS, and other crime solving shows. It was fun. The missionaries were very appreciative.

Afterwards, I went home and did my chores. We rotate chores weekly and they consist of dishes, setting & clearing the table, taking out the garbage & recycle, swiffering the floor once a day, feeding the cat, making sure the cows have water, and vacuuming twice a week. Sounds like a lot for one person right? Well, it really isnt. It didn't feel like that much at all and it doesn't take as long as I thought. Well, that makes one day down and six to go.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

'Tis the Season

(I took this picture in my yard last year)

When you live on 4 acres there is always work to do outside. Every year, for the past three years around this time, it's yard work season. It seems as if it's never ending. We have to get the garden ready, plant the garden and then water it everyday until it's time to reap what we have sown. It's the same every year; I completely resent having to get up and work outside for a few hours every day. It's not how I want to spend my time. I do my fair share of complaining and sound like a kid on a road trip constantly asking, "Are we done yet?" Although I don't like having to work this much or this hard or getting dirty, that's the life of a country girl (not that I really am one cause I'm a city girl at heart) and I don't mind all the work in the end. When all the work is done and I get to eat the delicious fruit and vegetables we have worked so hard to grow, I know the work was worth it.

"Nature is painting for us, day after day, pictures of infinite beauty." ~John Ruskin

When all is said and done, I love admiring the beauty of all the plants and all of God's creations. I'm glad that all this work I annually dread allows me to be grateful for what I have and how blessed I am.

So... Thank you Nana for dragging me out of bed every morning. Thank you Tevita for all your hard work. I only hope I can love working outdoors as much as you one day, though that is very unlikely because you just love it too much (but it's a good thing). Thank you T.J. for your hard work too. You always work harder and longer than I do and I rarely, if ever, hear you complain about it. You are also an example to me.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Happy Birthday Mimi!!

So yesterday was my great grandma Mimi's 89th birthday. I decided that I really wanted to make these cute cupcakes that I found online. You use cut marshmallows and gumdrops to make a flower. I made them while she and my grandma (Nana) were out shopping so she had no idea that I was making them. She was so surprised when she walked into the kitchen to put groceries away. They turned out really well. I was so proud of myself. I'm making them again on so she can take them to her birthday celebration on Monday at the office, where four of my family members work (and where I used to work).

Here they are...

Sadly, I wasn't able to be there for her birthday dinner and to see her eat one because I was helping Nana watch Sunhee, Tye, Will and Meeja while Angie & Ron were in NYC for the week. I had her blow out a candle on one before I left. I took each of the kids a cupcake as a surprise. We celebrated Mimi's birthday on our own. We sang happy birthday to her and I recorded it on my Flip video camcorder (thanks uncle Nate). Here's a video of us singing.

"Great grandmothers and roses are much the same. Each are god's masterpieces with a different name." ~Author unknown

Well, mine is named Mimi and I'm so blessed to have her in my life. She is one of the funniest people I know (without even trying) and has the heart of a gentle giant. I love you Mimi!!