Sunday, August 25, 2013

Right Place, Right Time

I know I haven't written in a while (no surprise there), but as it's Sunday and I have time to think and ponder about different things I just had to blog. Last night my team from work got together for a bonfire. We met at work and then carpooled to the canyon. I got a ride my co-worker Josh. One of my co-workers, "Banks", wasn't going to come but we convinced him so he rode with us.We stayed for a little bit, but left early because there was just so much stuff that made us uncomfortable. While we were dropping Banks off, we ended up sitting in the car for an hour talking about different things.

Being a member of the church, I know that everything happens for a reason and I've always heard and kind of known that Heavenly Father puts people in our path because we need them or they need us. Last night was one of those times that really strengthened my testimony. I know that it's true. During work earlier yesterday, Josh and I had been talking about some things and they totally coincided with the situation and topics we talked about last night.

At the end of our discussion, Josh wanted to show Banks a video on his phone (gotta love technology) that he really loves. I ended up benefiting from it as well. The spirit was so strong in that car. I love that we can feel the spirit anytime and anywhere, even an empty parking lot at 11 PM. Banks was glad he went even though he didn't want to originally and we all agreed that what happened after we left the bonfire was why he went. We were in the right place at the right time. The Lord's timing is amazing. Heavenly Father is amazing. He has a plan for us and knows us and what we need better than we know ourselves. Last night made me want to be better at doing the basics (saying my prayers and daily scripture study, etc) to help me be more in tune with the spirit and better prepared if a similar situation arises.

The video he shared has now become one of my favorites and I want to share it with you.