Tuesday, September 28, 2010

My name is Wendi and I have an addiction.

While at school I have discovered Korean Dramas. They are WAY better than most American t.v. shows. They are usually romantic comedies, well the three I have see have all been romcoms. They make me cry every time because I laugh so hard I tear up or it's just so sad. It's not just because of my sense of humor or that I'm too emotional. I've read lots of comments by people who feel the same way. And while there is romance, it's always clean. I love 'em! I'm pretty obsessed and they are very addicting. I have seen Boys Before Flowers (aka Boys Over Flowers), Personal Taste, and I'm in the process of watching Playful Kiss. I highly recommend them to anyone that doesn't mind subtitles. They are slow moving in the beginning, but once you get past the first couple episodes they are so good and you get hooked.

Boys Before Flowers

Personal Taste

Playful Kiss

The guy in the middle of the Boys Before Flowers pic and the guy on the Personal Taste poster is Lee Min Ho. He is my Korean actor crush. I love him! He's so cute and funny. I looked him up on youtube and it led me to some of his commercials. Being Mormon I don't drink coffee. Even if I wasn't, I wouldn't have any interest in drinking coffee. But if I did, his Dunkin' Donuts commercial would make me want to run out and get some. He's just so cute in it.

Another commercial of his I love is for banana milk. What the heck is that? I don't know, but I do know that Lee Min Ho is adorable in it and its funny. If it were anyone else I'd think it was stupid, but it works for him.

I can't help but smile when I watch this.

The actor in Playful Kiss and Boys Before Flowers (the far right) is Kim Hyun Joong. I decided to youtube him too. Was that a mistake? Possibly. I discovered that he is in a band called SS501 (Pronounced Double S Five-Oh-One). Two of their songs have become latest obsessions music wise. When I listen to them I can't help dancing around my room and wishing I knew Korean so I could sing along and focus on the video instead of the subtitles. I think these songs are pretty amazing.

The first one is called Love Like This and I do have the chorus down in Korean, but that's all. The rest is just too fast or too hard to pronounce. Haha.

The second is titled Love Ya. I love their dancing in this one a little more, I love the violins and I love the camera shaking. It makes the video more intense.

Anyways, just thought I'd share my Korean addiction with you. I'm so obsessed and addicted with this stuff I may need a 12 step program!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Back in P-Town

P-Town is how some people refer to Provo, but I've also heard Portland called the same thing. You can pretty much do that with any place to make it sound cooler, like A-Town for Albany. Doesn't quite have the same ring to it, does it? P-Town sounds more gangsta. Anyway, sit back and realx because here is another long post comin' at chya.

So, I've been in Utah for about 3 weeks now. It doesn't feel like it's been that long. Since I've been here, I feel like I go grocery shopping ALL the time! I've really only gone 4 times, but that's a lot for just three weeks. Although, I was starting from scratch and I kept realizing that there were more things I needed that I kept forgetting. I really need to remember to make a list. I'm pretty proud of my eating habits thus far. I've stayed away from the junk food, I'm not just snacking all day long, I'm eating my fruits and veggies, and this year I actually eat breakfast. I'm proud to say I'm not participating in the typical college student diet of just top ramen. Yay me! I actually make dinner every night. Only a few times has it been out of a can, and when it is, It's Progressive soup so it's healthy. Some of the dinners that I've made so far have been poppy seed chicken, Frito's casserole, and hamburger gravy with REAL mashed potatoes (I like some little chunks in them and you just can't get that with instant).

School has been good so far. Not too much hw and I'm pretty pleased with my professors this time around. That makes a huge difference. My favorite classes so far are Current Social Problems because it's really interesting and New Testament. I had Brother Marsh last year and I loved him. He's so funny and I learn a lot.

My ward seems pretty awesome and it's not just because there are quite a few good looking guys. The ward consists of my complex and some from the one next to mine. Our first few activities have been fun, especially the social. It was a BBQ and there was steak! It wasn't as good as the steak from home, but it was still pretty good. I got to meet and get to know lots of people. We have ward prayer every Sunday at 9 p.m. and I think it's pretty awesome that we all get on our knees for the prayer. The first time the new people definitely stood out because we were all like, "what's going on?" when everyone got off their chairs. I thought it was weird, but now I like it.

On Labor Day, we went ICE BLOCKING!! We invited some of the neighbor girls. We were going to invite some guys that we wanted to get to know but my roommates stalker (he asked her out after knowing her less than 24 hours and now he never leaves her side) ruined it by coming up to us when we were about to ask. Dang! My roommate, Manju (she's from Nepal, how cool is that?) came with us. It was the first time we really talked to her and got to know her. It was a lot of fun. Everyone should try it at least once. I tried to put a video here of us ice blocking, but it didn't work so that stinks.

Arianna, one of my roommates (there are 5 of us total), had me try this quarter trick/riddle. I couldn't do it. She left for a few minutes to get water and let me think. Being the intelligent person I am, I turned to youtbe to see if it had the solution. It did. She caught me and that video led us to other tricks. There was two with toothpicks that we thought were pretty cool. One I thought was impossible and had to be real magic because it just didn't seem like it would work. You balance two forks that are connected by the prongs and balance it on two toothpicks that are at a 90 degree angle. See the video here. We of course had to try it. It totally worked! It took us awhile to get it, but by golly we did it! We were pretty pleased with our mad magic skillz because it is not easy.

So the date of this post is Sept. 8th because that's when I started it. I kept working on it a little and then saving it so I could work on it later. I did that a few times. Now it's the 25th so I just really want to be done with this one and start posting [hopefully] shorter and more current posts. So here are some recent highlights:
  • I joined ward choir
  • I have a pretty awesome Family Home Evening (FHE) family and we do fun activities like pudding pictionary. You draw in pudding. It was messy and I really wish I had taken pictures of it.
  • For my 20th birthday (yes, I am no longer a teenager) I had Cafe Rio and went to my favorite cupcake place in Provo. Cafe Rio has amazing salads. I got a chicken salad with rice, beans, lettuce, little pieces of tortilla chips, this weird cheese, and their house dressing (which is amazing). Their salads are so HUGE I have yet to finish one. And I can eat a pretty good amount when I'm really hungry, which I was becuase I didn't eat a lot all day so I'd be ready to tackle it.
  • Within a week, 5 general authorites came to BYU
  • Arianna, Rylee and I like having living room dance parties when we don't want to do hw. They're pretty fun.
  • I went to the Welcome Back dance
  • BYU sucks at football this season :( Hopefully we improve. We've lost 3 games in a row, which is a first for the current coach
  • I got a B on my first Statistics in Psychology test. Whoo Hoo!! It's a miracle, if you know my relationship with math.
  • Speaking of grades, I've taken three tests so far and I am definitely doing better this year compared to last year and I am pretty stoked about that.
  • One thing that was really popular for a while was the bed intruder song. In case you don't know what I'm talking about, It's based off of this news interview of a brother who tried to save his sister from a rapist. The whole rape thing isn't funny, but the video is. He is so ghetto it's awesome. Here is the original interview. And here, for your viewing pleasure, is the song.