Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Life Updates

Oct. 17: We had ward FHE. Our apartment (meaning me) was assigned to bring a dozen cupcakes. I made candy corn cupcakes. I divided the batter in half and dyed them yellow and orange. I frosted them with cream cheese frosting and added a candy corn. They were good and disappeared quickly.

Oct. 18: It was Ally's birthday. Earlier in the month I promised her I would make her pumpkin cupcakes with cream cheese frosting. When I got the assignment to make cupcakes for ward FHE, I almost made them then. I wasn't sure if I would have enough to make them twice and I didn't want to have to go to the store to get stuff for the candy corn cupcakes. As I was talking about my dilemma and trying to decide what to do, Ally overheard me talking about how I said I would make her the pumpkin cupcakes. She said she was glad I remembered and that she thought about mentioning them to me to make sure I hadn't forgotten. I didn't and her excitement made it easy for me to decide. I would have to get candy corn from the store. Rylee actually bought them for me because she had to buy three pumpkins. Our FHE family was assigned to bring 15 small pumpkins for carving. We thought that was asking too much, to bring a treat and pumpkins (which are expensive, even the small ones). They didn't even get carved, at least not that I noticed while I was there. Wow, I strayed a little bit. Back to Ally. So I made her pumpkin cupcakes. She came over and we sang to her. They were pretty amazing.

Oct. 20: Turns out I didn't need that much pumpkin for Ally's cupcakes. Plus, pumpkin only comes in a big can. I had enough left to make almost 3 dozen more. I had some left over frosting too, enough to cover a dozen. I took them over to two guys' apartments. One was because Phil loves my cupcakes and while eating my candy corn cupcakes from Monday, he told me he would would finance my cupcake shop (Arianna was next to me and said she'd eat at my cupcake shop). I know it's not going to happen (though it would be nice if it did), but it was a really nice compliment. The other was James' apartment because he's cool and from Oregon. He gave me a hug and told me I smelled good. I took some without frosting downstairs to the the girls below us and to the guys in apartment 5 because they are pretty cool. The following conversation occurred.
Me: Hey, here are some pumpkin cupcakes...well I ran out of frosting so I guess they're naked cupcakes.
Leemur (real name is Lee, but he goes by Leemur): NAKED CUPCAKES!?!
Me: Or you can just call them muffins.

Oct. 21: Woke up with a sore throat. Rylee's friend Erika came for the weekend to surprise her.
Oct. 22: Lazy day. BYU kicked but during the game against Idaho state. The final score was 56-3. Sore throat was worse and the head cold started. Runny/stuffy nose, sneezing and congestion. Fun.
Oct. 23: Stake conference. Elder Ballard was there. Sadly, I was not. I didn't here my alarm go off and Arianna woke me up at 9:15. We were planning to leave by 9:30. I was NOT feeling good. My throat was hurting and I was tired from not getting enough sleep due to coughing and not being able to breath because I was all stuffed up. 9:20 and Christina told me I should get up too. Those two left to go save seats and I finally got out of bed. I was up just long enough to tell Rylee that I wasn't going to go, while crying. It wasn't so much the pain as it was I was missing out on such a great opportunity to see a member of the twelve. I went back to bed and slept. When I woke up I took a shower and was able to breath again.

Our ward writes "nice notes" to each other on Sunday after ward prayer. I received the following note written by Leemur.

My Dearest Wendi,
We, the citizenry of Arcadia 5, are greatly indebted to you for the delicious pumpkin nudey muffins. Shawn & I each ate two and Curtis snagged the last one. We love you!

Leemur & Arc. 5

Nudey muffins. I like that so much more than naked cupcakes. Also, that note means that two of the guys in that apartment missed out on said nudey muffins. Sad day for them. Since I was taught how to share, I will share this amazing recipe with you. Click here for deliciousness.

Oct. 24: My cold is pretty much gone!! Thanks to lots of water, Emergen-C (miracle cold remedy), and rest. I think this has been one of the shortest, if not the shortest, colds I've ever had.

Today: I went running!! Last Thursday, Arianna went running and told me I should go with her the next time she went. I said I would probably go, but knowing myself I probably wouldn't. Well, I did and I'm proud of myself. Christina went too. I didn't run as much as they did because I'm extremely out of shape and I just got over a cold. Kinda still getting over it. Christina said I sounded worse than her after running and she has asthma. Haha. Arianna and Christina both said I did good. I agree. I'm proud of myself for actually going because I really didn't want to. I mean really didn't want to. We're going running again on Thursday.

I think that's pretty much it. And if it's not, this post is long enough. Sorry for the long blogging absence. I won't let it happen again...probably.

Saturday, October 15, 2011


It was a day of football in Arcadia #12.

Today was the game between BYU and OSU. I like and support both teams so I thought I would show it.

Reppin' both of my teams.

 Arianna's wonderful picture taking skills in action.

 Everyone reppin' their teams. 
Christina with a BYU beanie, Me with my OSU hat & BYU shirt, and Arianna with her Ohio State shirt & Buckeye necklace (they played today too, and won). 

They got down low for me. How nice was that? 

 Chillin' on the couch watching the game.

I changed back into my normal shirt during half time because I really wasn't rooting for BYU. I like both teams so I thought I would cheer for both, but it wasn't happening. Even Arianna said I was Oregon all the way today. My plan changed as soon as I saw Reser Stadium. Oregon is home and home is where the heart is. Wearing my BYU shirt was a lie so I had to change. I left the BYU sticker on to show that I still care, but my hat showed where my loyalty truly lies. 

After the game (sad loss for my Beavs, but it's cool the Cougs won), we went and got frozen yogurt. It's now one of my favorite things to eat. It's so good! There are lots of flavors and many toppings. I was a little sad because they didn't have the cheesecake bites today. 

It was a nice and relaxing afternoon after a morning of cleaning. We had cleaning checks today. Boo. At least our apartment is clean again.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


I've been looking for a job for some time now with no success. Today, I received a call from Kohl's for an interview. It's on Thursday. Let the stressing begin. I'm terrified of the interview. I didn't have to interview for my first and only real job because I worked for my aunt. The only time I have done a job interview was in high school for the job fair. We had to do two mock interviews with real employees from local businesses. I was scared out of my mind then and I'm scared out of my mind now. I'm not very confident when it comes to this kind of stuff. I hate being put on the spot.

 I just have to say thank goodness for the internet! I found out that it's a group interview, which does not make me feel any better. How am I supposed to give a good answer to a question that five other people have answered before me without being repetitive? Also, as if being interviewed one on one is nerve wracking enough, let's add ten more people to the room. Ahhhhh! Some people have posted about their Kohl's interview experiences and it's been helpful to read because I can prepare a little better, but my memory tends to fail me when I'm stressed. Prayers would be much appreciated because I need a job and it would be great if this worked out.


This is us eating our celebratory ice cream after finding out about Rylee's engagement. 

Saturday, October 8, 2011

BYU Homecoming 2011

Yesterday, Arianna, Rylee and I woke up and walked up to the Creamery on 9th. They were serving free blue pancakes before the parade started. They were really good. We even had the option to add chocolate chips. Heck yes! We put them in between pancakes and the melted. It was a good thing they were also serving milk. We actually went through the line twice. The woman in charge of the chocolate chips recognized us, but it was ok. They had more than enough. She recognized us because she commented on Rylee's pearl necklace the first time we were in line. Being the awesome friend I am, I told her they were from Rylee's fiance. She asked when and where the wedding was. I've decided it's my job as an honorary bridesmaid to tell people Rylee's good news since she too quiet about it. Don't worry, she likes it. She told me so.

We had great seats for the parade. We sat/stood on the curb. All the little kids were so cute! It was fun watching them when the parade participants threw candy. I even got in on the action. I left all the tootsie rolls for the kids because I'm not really a fan, but  I was all over the saltwater taffy and Jolly Ranchers. I even scored a BYU bracelet (like the Livestrong ones). I was really hoping to score a t-shirt, but I'm never good at catching those and they never throw them in my direction. Arianna laughed at me because I was pretty fast at getting the candy I wanted and some of the kids seemed a little confused about what I was doing. It was like  I was stealing from them. She justified my actions for me by mentioning that I was the same height as some of them. I thought it was funny. And kinda true.

Rylee's fiance, Daniel, is the trombone player on the far right.


Ballroom Dancers

Christina was in the parade. We cheered really loud for her too.
We were planning on watching the football game tonight, but it wasn't being shown on any of the t.v. stations we get. Instead, we watched the end of the Ohio State game for Arianna and then Monsters Inc. on the Disney channel. It was fun. None of us had seen it in a long time so we really enjoyed it. I also made banana bread. It was a good late night snack.

Today was a good day.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

We Skipped Fall

Much to my chagrin, Utah has decided that Fall is unnecessary and to just move onto Winter. Boo Utah! Boo! It snowed today. October just started and it is already snowing here. Not a lot, but still snowing. I'm not ready for snow. I hope it doesn't stick around. It has been really cold. Like really cold. Aside from the snow, I love this weather. I just love wearing sweatshirts all the time. I guess it's time to break out my winter blanket.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A Good Day

So, guess who's getting married? Miss Rylee Vaterlaus! Yes, my roommate is ENGAGED. It's no surprise though, we were calling it before Daniel even returned from his mission. They are a really cute couple and I'm way excited for them. They're going to be married December 20, 2011 in the Columbus, Ohio temple. Too bad I'm not able to go because I could have been a bridesmaid (She told me so). Sad day for me.

This news was like the icing on the cake for me today. It was a good day. It rained. I love the rain. I also felt like wearing sweatpants. When Arianna came home and heard the good news (I knew before she did), she put on sweats too. This of course made Rylee want to wear hers. Yay for roommates who like to bummin' it up together! Arianna wanted ice cream to celebrate so all four of us (three in sweatpants) crammed into Clifford (Arianna's big red truck) and went to Macey's. We bought a half gallon of mint chocolate chip. And we ate it all. Dinner of champions.

We took pictures to commemorate. Us with our giant spoonfuls of deliciousness. I will post them when I get them. We had a neighbor take them so we could all fit in the pic in our lovely bummish glory. I really did look like bum. No make-up, hair in a bun (hadn't showered) and sweats. No wonder I have so many guys after me.

We're planning on going to the homecoming parade on Saturday. There are free blue pancakes and Christina is in it with BYU EMS. Daniel is too with the band. Then we're going out to lunch to celebrate Rylee's engagement again. The restaurant has yet to be determined. Hopefully we'll win the game.

Also, happy birthday to my brother Adam. I sent him a card and gave him a suggestion for his Halloween costume this year.

Whatya think?