Monday, April 12, 2010

20 Things About Me

1) I LOVE cupcakes, especially red velvet.

2) I am obsessed with hand sanitizer. I have like five bottles: one in my backpack, my purse, my desk, one for my car, and an extra one to replace whichever one runs out.

3) I guess you could tell from the previous fact that I have a slight case of mysophobia (the proper term for germaphobia).

4) I am pee shy. I can't go if someone is already going (public restrooms) or if I feel like people can hear. It's been quite an inconvenience since I've been at school and had to share the bathroom with with like 30+ girls. {sorry if you find this weird or too personal to be shared}

5) I also have a mild case of OCD. It REALLY bugs me when things aren't straight, when things that match aren't together (like the sets of dishes at home-it takes me forever to unload the dishwasher because I end up reorganizing the cupboards), occasionally my handwriting (sometimes I rewrite things until I think it looks better- I used to rewrite my notes from school, but it was too time consuming and pretty pointless), I have to take a shower every morning ( I can't go anywhere if I haven't and I feel really gross), I like when things are organized and clean (I'm just not so great about it when it comes to my room), and I'm sure there's more that Ijust can't think of right now.

6) I love movies. They are my weakness. Everyone on my floor borrows them because I have the most and the best collection.

7) I like to plan and make lists, though I'm not the best at following through with everything.

8) I HATE HATE HATE shots with a PASSION! I still cry at 19 years old. I had to get two when I went home for winter break. The nurse asked how I did with shots and I admitted that I cry. I didn't like the look she gave me. It said "Wow. At your age? Really?"

9) I think it's DISGUSTING when people blow their nose in the shower. Some girls in the hall do it. It takes everything I have not to gag when I hear it. It's also gross when they don't clean up afterwards.

10) I have the BEST family in the world, no matter how dysfunctional it is. :)

11) I have a really high pitched laugh most of the time (when I'm really laughing at something, like I think it's hilarious). So many people have complained about it hurting their ears and its pretty embarrassing. I also turn BRIGHT red when I laugh. When people comment on how red I am, I get even redder.

12) I think my Nana's spaghetti is the best I've ever had.

13) My favorite color is green-lime green to be specific.

14) I love scrapbooking.

15) I love coloring, like a little kid. I am a huge fan of Crayola products. I think their Twistable Slick Stix are probably the coolest things to color with ever invented.

16) I'm scared of heights, but I am in love with roller coasters. I love the thrill.

17) I love miniature things. Smaller versions of things are so cute!

18) I love getting new office and school supplies (pens, pencils, notebooks, etc.). The office supply section at every store is my favorite, besides movies. I almost applied for my first job at Office Depot because I love them so much.

19) I've diagnosed myself with restless leg syndrome. Well, not really because I looked it up and it's not what I thought it was and I don't have the symptoms. I just say I have RLS because I am constantly shaking my leg. I don't know why I can't keep it still, but I can't. I usually don't even realize I'm doing it. One girl I usually sit next to in class started leaving a seat between us because my shaking was annoying her.

20) One of my many not so serious goals in life is to eat a place that has been featured on Diners, Drive Ins, and Dives. Guy Fieri makes everything look so good.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

My New Friends

I've made a discovery. With my new shorter do, I've realized that my hair looks extremely cute with headbands. I mean, my hair looked okay with them before but it looks even better now. I only had a few and they were just plain solid colors. I decided I wanted a couple of spruced up headbands to match my recently spruced up hair. Since I'm a poor college student I only bought three new hair accessories, but I absolutely love them.

This one is my favorite

This isn't a headband, but its a red flower clip and it looks great in my hair

This headband isn't the cutest, but liked it and bought it anyway. It's a zipper wrapped into a flower. How creative is that? I love how unique it is because I don't recall seeing anyone else with one. I bought it at a little boutique downtown. This place always has the cutest things, but they are usually too expensive because most things are handmade. This was only $4.95!

I don't like the way my face looks in this one because of the angle of the picture, but it's all about the headband so I don't mind showing off my retarded face. :)

Anyway, there is only 2 weeks left 'till I'm HOME!! I'm so excited.

Fall in the Spring?!?

"True friends are like diamonds, precious but rare. Fake friends are like fall leaves found everywhere."

April might mean spring to the rest of the world, but in mine it is currently fall. I seem to have discovered some left over leaves where flowers, or diamonds in this case, should be. I hate realizing that I don't know people as well as I thought. I hate how fake people can be. I don't understand why people can't be honest and why they deem it necessary to lie about stupid and pretty pointless things that no one would really care about. I hate when they turn around a few days later and act all friendly like nothing happened. Why do people feel the need to pretend to be something they're not?

What really gets me is that I can't tell. I like to see the good in people and believe that people are better than that, mature. I really don't like when I do what I've been taught and forgive only to get hurt again. How is it that people can have a seemingly meaningful talk full of understanding only to have it mean nothing but a pile of crap?

I think Jadakiss said it best in his song titled Who's Real (*clean version*) when he says, "He's phony. She's fake. That's the type of people I hate. If you're real and you know it clap your hands." True words to live by. You know what I hear? Silence. Leaves can't clap.

I hope everyone else is enjoying their sparkling spring because they have diamonds in their lives instead of leaves.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

It's Crunch Time!

So I'm almost done with my last complete week of classes and already done with a couple classes all together. I am both relieved and stressed. There are a few classes that I am SO ready to be done with and others I think I will actually miss. Classes ending can only mean one thing...FINALS! It's officially crunch time. It's time for me to buckle down and be well prepared to kick some final butt and finish my freshman year of college. I really need to work hard to avoid all of the distractions that will be working ever so hard to pull my attention away from the things I need to be doing. I hope I can be strong enough to say NO to whatever distractions come my way.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Hair on the Floor and Birthdays Galore

So last night I decided it was time for a little change and I got my hair cut. I usually get a haircut around spring (it doesn't really feel like spring in UT) so I guess it wasn't really that spontaneous. Even though my hair wasn't that long because I got it cut about six months ago, it was still a little difficult to watch my hair fall to floor. It's about the same length I always get it cut, but there are more layers and they are a little shorter than I usual (they hit my chin). This picture doesn't really do my new hair cut justice.

APRIL 6th is a popular day for BIRTHDAYS.

FIRST off, today is the Savior's birthday.

This is one of my favorite images of him and was also the cover of my baptism program. Next week is the four year anniversary of my baptism. I can't believe it's only been four years. It feels like it should be longer. So much has changed over the past few years.

SECOND, happy 18th birthday to my gorgeous and talented cousin Kameesha.

I can't believe you're 18 and technically an adult. You are so awesome and I can't wait to see what you do in the future with the AMAZING talent you have. I'm lucky to have a wonderful cousin like you.

THIRD, happy birthday to my BEAUTIFUL roomie ANNIKA!!

I'm so lucky that I got such a fantastic and talented roommate. You are so good at golf you could be the female version of Tiger Woods (minus all the bad stuff, I'm strictly speaking golf). Thanks for making my freshman year so much fun and very eventful. Love ya!

For Annika's birthday dinner Annika, Haley, Ariel and I went to one of her favorite places as well as mine, OLIVE GARDEN!!! It was so delicious. I love love love their bread sticks. I think they're the best I've ever had. While Annika was away from the table we told our waiter that it was Annika's birthday and asked if they could sing to her. Annika's birthday dinner at Olive Garden couldn't have come at a better time. Our waiter told us that in two days they will no longer be singing a birthday song to restaurant patrons due to complaints from other customers. LAME! Olive Garden's famous slogan is "When you're here you're family" and I thought you sing happy birthday to your family. Some family. I guess they don't love us as much as they make us think they do. Anyway, they sang and Annika turned BRIGHT RED. It was pretty funny. Today was a pretty good day.

Happy birthday to anyone else that was lucky enough to be born on April sixth and share their birthday with the savior.

Cupcakes and Conference

So I have discovered my new FAVORITE place in Provo, The Cocoa Bean Cupcake Cafe. It's only a quick 15 min walk from campus. It's so cute and has a lot of AMAZING cupcakes, with Red Velvet being my absolute favorite.

I love how reasonable the prices are and the size of the cupcakes. They are bigger than normal and I love getting more cupcake for my money. The only thing I don't like about it is that they only have certain cupcakes on certain days of the week. They only have red velvet three times a week so I need to plan my cravings accordingly. Of all the flavors to not have daily, red velvet should not be one of them. They are the best.

Now on to general conference...

A few weeks ago I went to Sunday dinner at Heidi and Bill's. Bill asked if I had ever been to conference and I told him no so he gave me two tickets to the Sunday afternoon session. I invited my friend Haley to go with me. It was a great closing session and a wonderful experience. We were in the center front row of the balcony so we had a pretty AWESOME view.

The girl in our hall that gave us a ride had an Easter dinner to go to and wasn't able to take us back to BYU until later. Haley and I had around four hours to kill. We saw everything there was to see in both visitor centers and and we were approached at least five times by the sister missionaries. I felt bad that I didn't have any referrals for them. It was a great day in Salt Lake City.

Monday, April 5, 2010

The Beginning

I decided to start a blog so I can update family while away at school. You can see pictures on Facebook, but you don't get the stories behind them. Hopefully this is something I will be consistent with.