Happy Valentine's Day, Single Awareness Day and Oregon's birthday!

Check out these gorgeous girls!
Yes, this post is a few days late. I wrote it on Valentine's Day, but I wanted the pictures from Rylee (like the one above). She didn't post them on Facebook right away so I had to wait. I didn't end up stealing all of them so you can just look them up. You may no be able to see everyone with their gifts because of her privacy settings, but you will be able to see all of the ones with me.

Isn't it cute?
Ok, so we did our pink elephant gift exchange for our Valentine's Day FHE. It turned out great! There were some great gifts, funny gifts, and gifts that we had no idea what they were. We followed the typical rules. Everyone draws a number, highest number goes first (I lucked out, I had 3 so I got to see almost everything and take my pick, but I chose to unwrap instead of steal cause it's more fun that way), and each gift can only be stolen twice before it's locked. Our group was a little lame in the stealing department because honestly, there wasn't that much worth stealing. There was the Korean version of Pocky sticks (Japanese candy) courtesy of Matt. Who would've guessed, right? He's still pretty fresh off the mish I'm guessing because he talks about Korea a lot. I don't know when he got back, but it's probably been a year or less. I don't mind though. Tara brought strawberries. They weren't wrapped and she promised to dip them in chocolate for whoever ended up with them. Those two were the most fought over. The pregnancy test was a hit too. It was so funny when Ally opened it. She turned bright red (fitting for the holiday) and everyone was laughing so hard. I'm glad everyone shares my sense of humor and that no one got offended because it could have turned out badly. A Mormon girl opening a pregnancy test on Valentine's day. Yeah. I told people that they wanted the pregnancy test (because I had those toy guns to go with it). Jason stole it from Ally, only to have it stolen and locked by Chas. He knew about the guns. There was also the movie Sleepless in Seattle (surprisingly, a guy contributed this). Other funny gifts were the one's from Chas. He was hoping a guy would get them because it would be funnier. A girl got the deodorant (which was passed around for everyone to smell) and Joe got the pink sleeping mask that read "Beauty Rest". Poor Joe. He originally had the Korean candy and then the strawberries, but both were stolen and he ended up with a lame gift. Arianna got one the evening's practical gifts, a little desk set with pens, paper clips, and push pins. We have no idea what my gift is. It's been sitting in the guys' apartment for a long time and they didn't know what it was either. It says Hasbro on the bottom so we know it goes to a game, but we couldn't figure out which one (I even turned to the all knowing Google, but had no luck). It's this read thing that lights up and makes noise when you put your fingers on the bottom (there's like this metal sensor thing) and push a button. It resembles a heart monitor in the way there are the zig zag lines and makes a noise similar to flat lining. It currently resides in my room collecting dust. Matt ended up with Rylee's roll of toilet paper that she covered with heart stickers. Everyone uses toilet paper, and if they don't they should. Another practical gift. I think that's all of them.
After the exchanging was finished, we ate cupcakes that I made. I made chocolate with butter cream frosting. I used the pink striped liners from Christmas and a big round tip that I was finally able to find online to do swirls like the professionals. They looked pretty good and tasted great. Everyone had fun taking turns shooting the guns while eating and hanging out. It was fun. the guys were so curious about the pregnancy test. I told them I got it at a dollar store and about the look the cashier gave me. Matt asked what I would've said if she had asked how long I'd been married. I would've just flashed my left hand.
Not to brag or anything, but I was pretty much the star of the night. I had the best and funniest gift and I made awesome cupcakes. It was indeed a great Valentine's Day, despite the fact that I am single. Men? Who need's 'em!
Check me out rockin' the red lips. I've decided I REALLY want red lipstick. This was a leftover Mary Kay sample I had.
Must. Get. More.
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