(A very bad picture of our complex that I found online. The window on the left is our apartment.)
Tonight at ward prayer, it was our apartment's turn to introduce ourselves and do the spiritual thought and payer. We took turns reading three [interesting, more or less] things about one of the girls in our apartment and had everyone else guess who it was. My facts were fourth and my name was guessed first for the three previous. I guess they thought it would be cool if I had driven a 12 seater van to school everyday. Too bad that was Arianna. Although everyone was wrong multiple times, it was fun to hear my name guessed a lot. People know who I am! That's always good.
Personal note: I actually have become quite the social butterfly this past school year. Yay me!
Anyway, when my first fact was read (I live on a farm), there were some people who knew right away. My second fact was that I'm taller than my mom. It confused some people because you would think Arianna because she is so tall. Tricky, huh? My third one was that I've never been to a school formal. True and very shocking to some people. I never had that much of an interest in them and my high school's dances was like watching people have sex with clothes on. Don't need to see that! I did go to my stake's modest prom, so I didn't completely miss out on the experience.
Anyway, today was a good Sunday. Chas is one of Arianna and Manju's home teachers and they came over today. He brought his guitar and played a little for us. I also watched The Proposal to get a jump start on Valentine's Day. I love love love this movie. It's so cute! Betty White's character as Grandma Annie (aka Gammy) reminds me so much of Mimi (my great grandmother). Though she's ripe with age, I hope she sticks around for a long time. I don't know what I'd do without my Mimi.
I'm so excited for our FHE pink elephant gift exchange tomorrow. I'm also making cupcakes. I really wanted to do red velvet (duh, it's my fave and v-day), but I made them last time I did cupcakes for FHE. This time I'm doing chocolate and using the pink striped baking cups I got for Christmas. The baking aisle at the store last night was CRAZY! almost all the cake mixes (the normal flavors anyway) were gone and I had to ask for help to get frosting because it was too high or too far back on the shelf for me to reach. I hate having to do that. It's embarrassing.
I think that's pretty much it for now. I will post tomorrow about FHE. I can't wait for someone to unwrap mine!
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