(This is false advertising in Utah because when you buy one item, you can't just fork over a dollar bill. You need a dollar and seven cents. Liars.)
For FHE on Monday, which happens to be Valentines Day (aka single awareness day), we are doing a pink elephant gift exchange. Arianna and I went to Honk's (a dollar store) and found some things that screamed pink elephant. Arianna found a basketball shaped alarm clock. Then she decided to buy a picture frame that holds three photos. She's going to put pictures of herself in it. How funny is that? She'll probably give the clock to Rylee to use since she didn't go with us. I found these guns that are similar to an airsoft gun. The gun comes with a police badge and you can stick your picture in it. I figured the guys would have fun with them (I bought two so they can shoot each other, one just wouldn't be fun).
While checking out, I saw something that is THE definition of a white (in this case pink) elephant gift. A PREGNANCY TEST! Yes, for a dollar. I bought it and received a lovely look from the almost elderly cashier. I almost didn't buy it because Arianna said she wouldn't when I asked her opinion. I understand what she was saying. It would be hilarious if a guy got it; however, if a girl picked it, it could awkward (especially on v-day). Plus, not everyone has the same sense of humor that I do.
While in the middle of doing my dishes, Chas and Joe came over to ask us to go elephant shopping with them. We told them we had just gone. A few minutes later Chas came back and said we should still go with him. I said I would after I finished my dishes. Chas, being the amazing guy he is, dried while I washed. While working as a team, I got his opinion about the pregnancy test and whether I should use it as my gift. Chas loved it! He thinks it's a pretty sweet idea. I decided that I would just do it and use the guns as a real gift to give them afterwards. Arianna decided to go with us, even though she said she was going to do homework the rest of the night.
I just wanna say Chas' car is like an instant party. We had music blaring and he had cookies and cheez-its in his car. There are three seats up front so we just sat in a row. We went to the Dollar Tree. They have a better selection than Honk's. We had fun in toy aisle trying on alligator hats and playing with other things. Well, I was the one mostly playing. Chas settled on women's deodorant and one of those sleeping eye mask things that said beauty rest on it. What are those called?
By the end, Arianna and Chas thought I was going a little crazy with all the stuff I was finding. I REALLY love the Dollar Tree. It was obvious they thought it was time to get me out of there. We piled back in the party mobile and stuffed our faces some more and had fun making fun of lyrics to all the random songs on the radio while trying to find a good station. It was a fun night, but I ate too much junk food today. While in the car we actually heard a commercial where a little girl said something like, "Junk food is junk...it puts you in a funk...something something punk." How ironic.
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