At least once a day (psh... it's really more like three) I find myself on the greatest time wasters of my generation... Facebook and YouTube. I decided to post links to some favorite videos, besides GloZell's. Hopefully they make you laugh or at least smile. If they don't, there's something wrong with your sense of humor. Hopefully these don't change the way you think about me either. Today's society, as well as my own mother, teaches me it's okay to laugh when people get hurt (America's Funniest Videos...who doesn't enjoy watching this?).
- Put a Ring On It - Um...more like an ice pack because that is going to be one BIG bump. And what up wit the clown mask? That's just weird.
- "He was a bully shark." - This girl is all kinds of loopy after getting her wisdom teeth pulled. I'm so glad I wasn't like this. I can only imagine the kinds of things that would have come out of my my mouth. (This clip is a little long, but you should watch the whole thing. The whole 13 minutes are worth it.)
- "Janice, It Hurts!"- A larger boy (It's not polite to use fat, is it? Seriously though, what's the politically correct term??) basically thinks he's going to die on a ride.
- It's SuperCalaFreakinAwesome -Funny, but borderline creepy.
- Bonbonbonbons -Dieting. Need I say more? Actually, I do have one more thing to say. Angie, this reminds me of you because of the treat day.
- Shake Shake Shake -I loose it every time he shakes and when he falls over. In reality, it isn't that funny, but I thoroughly enjoy this performance.
- Bear Tranquilizer - I laugh during the normal speed and cringe during the slow-mo. I learned long ago that pigs don't fly, but no one said anything about bears.
Did you laugh at least once? Crack a smile? Did I bring you to tears (happy ones)? If so, mission completed.
Bonus: Now that I've made you smile, let me make you gag. While googling smiling images for this post, I came across this little gem. Who would EVER eat such a thing? Gross.

The sign says: Pork 80%. Contains preservatives & color (Yummy!). Produced in the UK.
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