This picture is purely for dramatic effect purposes. Feel free to be affected. Dramatically.
You know when we youngsters like to complain (and we do our fair share of it) older people always tell those stories that go something like this:
Well, back in my day, we had to walk 5 miles, uphill both ways, in the snow...etc? Or back in my day, we didn't have fireworks. We tied flashlights to rocks and threw them up in the air (haha, funny mental picture).
Well, going to church today kind of felt like that. Okay, so it really wasn't that bad, but it did take us a little longer than usual. Being Utah, I'm sure you can imagine why or just look at the picture. If you guessed that cold,wet, white stuff that falls from the sky, then you are correct my friend. If not, I suggest you consult a mental health professional. It unknowingly snowed last night/early this morning and we had to defrost and scrape Arianna's truck, Clifford (like the big red dog) before we could leave. Luckily we made it on time.
It being the first Sunday back, it was interesting to scope out the new potential husbands. Just kidding! Nana, don't freak out :) But seriously, a few of the new guys are pretty good lookin'. Out of one apartment that had six guys, four have been replaced. In my opinion, it was was an upgrade. Okay, I'll stop with the guys now.
Coming back from ward prayer (where I had better luck at checking out the new meat), I opened the gate that separates our complex and the next one (which also has some of our ward members). When I did, Leemur (his real name is Lee, but he won't tell you that...I have inside sources) jumped out and scared me. I did what I do best...I screamed. There was one other guy with him. They got their laugh for the evening. It was pretty funny. I should have seen it coming because Arianna and I could hear voices on the other side of the gate, but I thought they were ahead of us heading back instead of coming. Arianna is smarter than me I guess because she figured they were going to do something when she heard voices (so she says).
Anyway, I hope everyone has enjoyed the first week of the new year!
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