Boys Before Flowers

Personal Taste
The guy in the middle of the Boys Before Flowers pic and the guy on the Personal Taste poster is Lee Min Ho. He is my Korean actor crush. I love him! He's so cute and funny. I looked him up on youtube and it led me to some of his commercials. Being Mormon I don't drink coffee. Even if I wasn't, I wouldn't have any interest in drinking coffee. But if I did, his Dunkin' Donuts commercial would make me want to run out and get some. He's just so cute in it.
Another commercial of his I love is for banana milk. What the heck is that? I don't know, but I do know that Lee Min Ho is adorable in it and its funny. If it were anyone else I'd think it was stupid, but it works for him.
I can't help but smile when I watch this.
The actor in Playful Kiss and Boys Before Flowers (the far right) is Kim Hyun Joong. I decided to youtube him too. Was that a mistake? Possibly. I discovered that he is in a band called SS501 (Pronounced Double S Five-Oh-One). Two of their songs have become latest obsessions music wise. When I listen to them I can't help dancing around my room and wishing I knew Korean so I could sing along and focus on the video instead of the subtitles. I think these songs are pretty amazing.
The first one is called Love Like This and I do have the chorus down in Korean, but that's all. The rest is just too fast or too hard to pronounce. Haha.
The second is titled Love Ya. I love their dancing in this one a little more, I love the violins and I love the camera shaking. It makes the video more intense.
Anyways, just thought I'd share my Korean addiction with you. I'm so obsessed and addicted with this stuff I may need a 12 step program!
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