To quote Britney Spears, "Oops, I did it again!" I have let too much time pass since I last blogged. Shame on me.
Well, the Bachelorette has come and gone. Ali chose Roberto (I knew she would) and I hope things work out for them. I think that would make them only the 3rd couple to make it down the aisle if they get married. To replace it, there is a new show called Bachelor Pad. Since it's so similar to the Bachelor(ette), I LoVe it! I Love the drama. The difference between the shows is that this time there are both guys and girls and they are playing for $250,000. And if romance blossoms, then that's a bonus. I love how stupid some people are. I wonder what they think of themselves when they watch the show on t.v. Like Michelle on the first episode. Tenley accidentally started a rumor about Michelle and she got MAD! She locked Tenley in the bathroom and freaked out on her. I love Tenley and she is just so innocent, which is why everyone believed her about Michelle and Craig. Michelle ended up being the first girl voted off by the guys. In the limo interview Michelle said she got voted off because of the rumor Tenley started, but it was really because the guys didn't like how she got crazy and locked Tenley in the bathroom and made her cry. Idiot. I knew she would be crazy because she was a kind of psycho on Jake's season. I can't wait to see who wins and what drama awaits me on Bachelor Pad.
I went to the doctor and got three shots and blood drawn. Five pokes total (it took two tries for the blood). Not fun for someone who hates needles.
Friday night, Sara spent the night. It was so much fun! We got a $5 pizza and rented some scary movies. We watched Orphan and it scared me so bad. I screamed so many times, which scared Sara. She's worse than I am when it comes to horror films. She can't even watch them during the day! Afterwards, we watched The Eye. She was pretty much freaked the rest of the night. She even walked around with a broom just in case. We stayed up 'till six in the morning talking and watching Hairspray. I got less than 3 hours of sleep.
In the afternoon we picked up Klaire and Alina and finished Alina's school shopping. She is going to be one of the best dressed 7th graders. I love her clothes, well I should because I picked most of them out. I'm sad she's stuck going to a school she doesn't want to go to, but at least she'll look good.
After shopping it was my Cookie Lee party. Only family came, besides Sara. I wasn't bothered that other people didn't come because the only reason why I had the party was because I wanted a necklace for half the price. So I didn't care. It was fun. Alina was the volunteer demonstrator again. She wore a sweater that she got for school and it looked really good with one of the necklaces she wore. She was such a cute little model. Janara was able to come with the girls and see Alina. It was a good day.
Monday Alina spent a few hours at Nana's so she could spend time with Sunhee while I spent some time with Adam. I took him to the arcade in the mall. He had fun an I enjoyed myself a little bit too. We played air hockey and tried to shoot more baskets than each other. I knew I stunk at basketball, but Adam beat me and he's like half my age. Talk about pathetic!
Yesterday I finished my school shopping. I bought some jeans so Nana can hem them. Curse my extremely short legs. I also bought some kitchen utensils. Now I'm all set.
Today marks a week from my last night sleeping in my own bed. It's a pretty sad thought. ONE WEEK! This summer just flew by for me. I think it's cause a lot of it was spent dealing with stupid things and stupid people.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Crazy Doesn't Even Begin To Cover It
I couldn't come up with a better title. I think this one says it all.
So this week has been EXTREMELY crazy, crazier than the week that I referred to as hell. This week was far worse than that one. We return to the ongoing soap opera that is my life to find that I am apparently capable of committing a felony. Who knew? I certainly didn't. Again, I'm not going to go into details, but I got lucky. Talking to a police officer telling me I could have gotten into serious trouble was one of THE scariest moments of my life. Like almost pee your pants scary. To those of you that aren't family and don't know what I'm talking about, this sounds really bad. But it wasn't. And what I did wasn't either. I just hope I don't have to experience something like that ever again.
Throughout this week I have been exhausted mentally, emotionally and physically. Falling into bed and having my head hit the pillow has NEVER felt so good. I've just been so drained at the end of the day. I've even gotten physically sick from just being overly stressed. I hate how this could easily be resolved except for the fact that the person that has all the power is very selfish and won't do the right thing. I also hate that this person has idiots (no joke) helping them make decisions that are affecting lives of multiple people. It's really frustrating.
Through this week, I noticed that I have really been lacking in the faith department. This situation is definitely more than I can handle on my own and I have failed until the other day to ask for heavenly help. I need to remember that there is someone else that I can turn to for help and comfort and I think that is one reason why I didn't end the day on empty. I wasn't drained mentally and emotionally, nor did I get a headache or physically sick from stress. Today was a good day. Probably the best all week in terms of this whole thing.
This summer has definitely been one of the worst. Bad news just keeps on coming and my stress level has sky rocketed. But all this has brought me to one of my favorite quotes from President Eyring. It was from the YW broadcast a couple years ago.
"It is by faith that you can lay hold upon every good thing. I pray with all my heart that your faith will be increased that you are a daughter of a loving God. I testify to you that you have been one of the valiant ones to reach the point where you now are in this journey of life. Just as you are marked as a target by the enemy of righteousness, you have been protected and watched over by your Heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. They know you. They know all of the forces and individuals around you. They know what is ahead of you. And so They know which of the choices you make, which of the desires you decide to satisfy, and which of the circumstances around you will make the most difference in keeping you walking in the light. I testify that by the Spirit of Christ and by the Holy Ghost, you may walk confidently in whatever difficulties will come. Because you are so valuable, some of your trials may be severe. You need never be discouraged or afraid. The way through difficulties has always been prepared for you, and you will find it if you exercise faith."
I just LOVE that! I always find it comforting and reassuring to know that I'm so "valuable" and that's why my life has consisted of so much crap and drama. It's good to know that I will make it through whatever comes my way.
On to the good stuff. I think it was Wednesday night?... maybe... Tanya was online and watched the trailer for Dinner For Schmucks. She thought it was so good she looked up the movie times (I didn't know this at the time). She told me the movie looked good and that if we hurried we could make the 10:20 p.m. showing. It was ten after. I asked if she was serious and she said yes. So we went with T.J. and Talanoa. It was so funny. I was laughing through most of it and it made me feel better because the day had been awful. Can I just say how much I love Steve Carell? He's hilarious! One of my favorite actors comedy-wise. Some of his stuff can be inappropriate, but he is just so funny. Tanya was laughing so hard she was crying!
Thursday I went boating the Hufanga family. It was so much fun...once we got a new battery for the boat. We got a little bit of a late start, but it was worth the wait. The weather was perfect and tubing was so much fun. Me, T.J. and Talanoa were on the tube at one point and it was a tight fit. It was a lot harder to hang on. On the way home, we stopped at The Cedar Shack in Sweet Home. The food was so good. I had an amazing cheeseburger, curly fries, and a pineapple shake. Delicious!! While we were waiting for our food, I noticed they had a bunch of old yearbooks from Sweet Home High School. Tanya told me one of the women we work with at the office graduated from SHHS. We found her senior yearbook. It was fun to look at. I took pictures with my phone. They didn't turn out that great, but I can't wait to show her at work. It was a good day. One of the highlights of my week.
Today had a rocky start but got better. I got to go school shopping with my sister. Shopping with Alina is a lot of fun. She is just so cute and looks really good in most things. We found this adorable teal sweater that looks amazing on her. I can't wait for it to get cool off enough for her to wear it. We also saw this adorable red jacket at Target and I really want her to get it when she gets the money. It would look so good with a white tee, these perfect jeans we found, and the cute shiny black flats she bought. There was also this pink dress thought I thought would look so good with these boots at Target too. But she didn't like the idea. It would have looked good though, I know it. Maybe that look would work for Sunhee. I want to go shopping with both of them! That would be so much fun and both of them are just so cute and would great in all the cute clothes that are out there. Hopefully I'll get the chance to do that soon.
Well, I'm tired and need to get some sleep. Hopefully tomorrow is a good day and I can end my week on a high note.
So this week has been EXTREMELY crazy, crazier than the week that I referred to as hell. This week was far worse than that one. We return to the ongoing soap opera that is my life to find that I am apparently capable of committing a felony. Who knew? I certainly didn't. Again, I'm not going to go into details, but I got lucky. Talking to a police officer telling me I could have gotten into serious trouble was one of THE scariest moments of my life. Like almost pee your pants scary. To those of you that aren't family and don't know what I'm talking about, this sounds really bad. But it wasn't. And what I did wasn't either. I just hope I don't have to experience something like that ever again.
Throughout this week I have been exhausted mentally, emotionally and physically. Falling into bed and having my head hit the pillow has NEVER felt so good. I've just been so drained at the end of the day. I've even gotten physically sick from just being overly stressed. I hate how this could easily be resolved except for the fact that the person that has all the power is very selfish and won't do the right thing. I also hate that this person has idiots (no joke) helping them make decisions that are affecting lives of multiple people. It's really frustrating.
Through this week, I noticed that I have really been lacking in the faith department. This situation is definitely more than I can handle on my own and I have failed until the other day to ask for heavenly help. I need to remember that there is someone else that I can turn to for help and comfort and I think that is one reason why I didn't end the day on empty. I wasn't drained mentally and emotionally, nor did I get a headache or physically sick from stress. Today was a good day. Probably the best all week in terms of this whole thing.
This summer has definitely been one of the worst. Bad news just keeps on coming and my stress level has sky rocketed. But all this has brought me to one of my favorite quotes from President Eyring. It was from the YW broadcast a couple years ago.
"It is by faith that you can lay hold upon every good thing. I pray with all my heart that your faith will be increased that you are a daughter of a loving God. I testify to you that you have been one of the valiant ones to reach the point where you now are in this journey of life. Just as you are marked as a target by the enemy of righteousness, you have been protected and watched over by your Heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. They know you. They know all of the forces and individuals around you. They know what is ahead of you. And so They know which of the choices you make, which of the desires you decide to satisfy, and which of the circumstances around you will make the most difference in keeping you walking in the light. I testify that by the Spirit of Christ and by the Holy Ghost, you may walk confidently in whatever difficulties will come. Because you are so valuable, some of your trials may be severe. You need never be discouraged or afraid. The way through difficulties has always been prepared for you, and you will find it if you exercise faith."
I just LOVE that! I always find it comforting and reassuring to know that I'm so "valuable" and that's why my life has consisted of so much crap and drama. It's good to know that I will make it through whatever comes my way.
On to the good stuff. I think it was Wednesday night?... maybe... Tanya was online and watched the trailer for Dinner For Schmucks. She thought it was so good she looked up the movie times (I didn't know this at the time). She told me the movie looked good and that if we hurried we could make the 10:20 p.m. showing. It was ten after. I asked if she was serious and she said yes. So we went with T.J. and Talanoa. It was so funny. I was laughing through most of it and it made me feel better because the day had been awful. Can I just say how much I love Steve Carell? He's hilarious! One of my favorite actors comedy-wise. Some of his stuff can be inappropriate, but he is just so funny. Tanya was laughing so hard she was crying!
Thursday I went boating the Hufanga family. It was so much fun...once we got a new battery for the boat. We got a little bit of a late start, but it was worth the wait. The weather was perfect and tubing was so much fun. Me, T.J. and Talanoa were on the tube at one point and it was a tight fit. It was a lot harder to hang on. On the way home, we stopped at The Cedar Shack in Sweet Home. The food was so good. I had an amazing cheeseburger, curly fries, and a pineapple shake. Delicious!! While we were waiting for our food, I noticed they had a bunch of old yearbooks from Sweet Home High School. Tanya told me one of the women we work with at the office graduated from SHHS. We found her senior yearbook. It was fun to look at. I took pictures with my phone. They didn't turn out that great, but I can't wait to show her at work. It was a good day. One of the highlights of my week.
Today had a rocky start but got better. I got to go school shopping with my sister. Shopping with Alina is a lot of fun. She is just so cute and looks really good in most things. We found this adorable teal sweater that looks amazing on her. I can't wait for it to get cool off enough for her to wear it. We also saw this adorable red jacket at Target and I really want her to get it when she gets the money. It would look so good with a white tee, these perfect jeans we found, and the cute shiny black flats she bought. There was also this pink dress thought I thought would look so good with these boots at Target too. But she didn't like the idea. It would have looked good though, I know it. Maybe that look would work for Sunhee. I want to go shopping with both of them! That would be so much fun and both of them are just so cute and would great in all the cute clothes that are out there. Hopefully I'll get the chance to do that soon.
Well, I'm tired and need to get some sleep. Hopefully tomorrow is a good day and I can end my week on a high note.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
A Taste Of Heaven
Today was the day I made my pineapple cupcakes with a pomegranate cream cheese frosting and took them to church for "break the fast". They were a huge hit. Everyone kept saying they were heaven in cupcake form and that I should have my own bakery. They thought pineapple and pomegranate was a good combination. I was like a proud mama, except I'm not a mom and they were cupcakes instead of children.
My friend Sara said that the pineapple tasted like bubblegum. When she said it I started to taste it. It did taste like pineapple, but it also kind of tasted like bubblegum. She started planting that seed into the mind of others and then they all thought they tasted likebubblegum cupcakes instead of pineapple. If Sara hadn't started it, no one would have thought it. She still thought they were really good, just not pineapple. It made me kind of sad to hear her say they didn't really taste like what they were supposed to.
Well, no matter what flavor people thought they were, they were still amazingly delicious.
Oh, and today is Sara's 19th birthday. So, happy birthday Sara!

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