Today was pretty uneventful. I cleaned a little, pulled some weeds, made my own calzone for dinner and then went to work. The best part about today was that The Secret Life of the American Teenager is back!
I love that show. It was starting to go downhill a little bit, but I hope this season is better than ever.
Tonight was also The Bachelorette. I recorded it, but I haven't had a chance to watch it yet. I love Ali! She 's so cute and I'm glad Jake didn't let her back on the show and am glad he didn't pick Tenley. They were both too good for him. I hope things work out well for Ali and I can't wait to see who she picks.

Tomorrow is the series premiere of Pretty Little Liars on abc family. The previews looked good and the plot sounded interesting. Being the bookworm that I am, I decided to check out the books from the library. I haven't started reading them yet because I got them out of order. The first one had a lot of holds on it. Everyone had the same idea. So I have the 2nd and 3rd. Just waiting for the first one. I want to read them so badly. Hopefully it comes in soon.

Tomorrow is also the season finale of GLEE! Sad. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this show (can't stress how much). I'm a GLEEK and proud of it!

I love the characters and I love the music, although some songs are awkward and make me want to look away from embarrassment. Well, not so much the songs, but the scenes that go with the songs. Like last week's episode where Will was singing to Sue. MOST AWKWARD FEW MINUTES OF MY LIFE! Okay, maybe a bit of an overstatement but not by much. I couldn't watch. Anyway, tomorrow's episode takes place at regionals. I think it would be nice if New Directions kicked Vocal Adrenaline's butt; however, I think they will just fall short of winning. They need to lose so they have the fire to come back and win next season. If they win now, what would come next? I'm excited to see it, but sad that I'm going to have to wait three months for it to return.
That's all for now. I'm sure I'll have lots to say tomorrow after the Glee finale, premiere of Pretty Little Liars and catching up on The Bachelorette.
And thank you Bilbee for becoming a follower. I'm officially halfway to my goal of ten!
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