Monday, June 21, 2010
Dear Readers,
I'm A Little Teapot

Sunday, June 20, 2010
"Any Man Can Be A Father, But It Takes A Special Person To Be A Dad" ~ Author Unknown
(This was on the church program for the ward that Nana and Mimi attend. Mimi read it before dinner and we all agreed that it screams Tevita.)
Today is a day for honoring our father's and all of the wonderful things they do and all of their hard work. Unfortunately, I don't really have a father in the picture and the one's that I did have were not the best examples, to say the least. However, I have excellent examples from the other men in my life, my uncles! All of my uncles who are raising their own children, as well as children that are not their own, are doing a great job. And for you Bilbee, you may not have any children of your own, but you are amazing with all of your nieces and nephews. Thank you guys for showing me what a good father looks like.
Here is a great example of fatherhood. This is a VERY cute video.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Wii Are So Sore!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
"I Wish I Had Smoke Bombs For Awkward Situations." ~ George Oakes
Monday, June 14, 2010
And The Great Purge Continues...
So today I did some more cleaning in the kitchen. The job still isn't done, but it's getting there. Slowly, but getting there. Mimi and Nana are so funny when they argue and bicker about little things. Since we were purging the kitchen of unwanted items, they went back and forth a few times about whether we should keep or get rid of some things. They are so comical without even trying and they make the smallest things, like getting rid of a spice rack or a platter, really funny. I told them when I first came home from school that I missed their little bickering sessions. And I did.
As we were discovering lost treasures that haven't seen daylight in quite some time, I acquired a CROCK POT! It's Tanya's old one. We have a new one, but it hardly gets used. I'm so excited about the new addition to my slowly growing collection of items for my kitchen! Sunday dinners at school are going to be nice. I can just plop food in the pot and "fugetaboutit" as they say in New York.
Side Note: I'm watching The Bachelorette while writing this and they traveled to NYC this week. Hence the accent above. Is it just me or was there a plethora of horrible singing in this episode? I am not happy with the outcome for Jesse tonight. I think he deserved to stay at least one more week and that Kasey should have been in his place. I was glad to see Jonathan go home though. I never really liked him. Kasey has some problems, psychologically. I'm a psych major so you know I'm right. I am not pleased he's still around. I really hope he's the next one to go. This week I become fond of Chris L. and Kirk. After last week I wasn't sure if the chemistry Ali and Kirk had was real and wasn't just imagined (I think that's word I want to use) from their scene in the music video, but I like them together. He was sweet walking her back to her room and putting her to bed because she was sick. However, the previews for next week make it seem like he could be the one that has the secret girlfriend. I don't know. I should stop hypothesizing about what's going to happen based on the previews because they really don't show much and I really haven't been right. I hate being wrong. I want to see more of Chris N. He's still around, but not much has happened between him and Ali. Can't wait to see what comes next.
Back to the purge. It's really fun to get rid of things. It gives you this nice cleansing feeling. If only I didn't have a problem getting rid of my own stuff. I hope I continue to find more treasures in my own home.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Party Time!
Here is the finished product, which looks pretty FAN-FREAKIN'-TASTIC if I do say so myself.
The other party this weekend was a combined birthday party for Sunhee and Meeja.

It took place at Frogs and pollywogs, a toy store downtown. When I heard where the party was, I was skeptical and didn't think I would have any fun at the party. I was wrong. For starters, one of my friends works there and she ran the party. I didn't know so I was surprised when I walked in the door. I ran upstairs and gave her a HUGE hug. I haven't seen her since we graduated last year! The activities and games were fun for all ages. The first thing we did was make our own crown because the party had a princess theme. Everyone participated, including Nana.
Princesses (and 2 Princes) On Parade
We also did a birthday parade where we walked up and down the street (Only once thank goodness!) dressed in costumes and making noise with bells. Some embraced this activity more than others, as you can see by the way everyone is dressed.
Dominique, Zamari and Alina were able to come to the party because I spent the night at their house the night before and then brought them with me. It was a great weekend full of lots of fun, laughs and excitement.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Yay For Productivity
Today I cleaned half of the kitchen cabinets inside and out, with help from Mimi. She was more than happy to go through them and get rid of tupperware containers we don't use and other kitchen utensils that never see daylight. Lucky for me, I got to snag some to take back to school.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Thoughts On What I Watched
So... the Glee finale. LOVED IT! The medley of Journey songs was AMAZING! This episode was definitely one of my favorites. Everything really came full circle. I was right; New Directions didn't win, but that's okay. It wasn't about winning, it was about doing what they love. However, I do think that they should have won because they did do better than Vocal Adrenaline. I also fell in love with Sue's character even more. She definitely gained some respect when she was the only one that voted for New Directions to win and allowed the glee club to have one more year. I also loved when she had a tear in her eye while watching the glee club sing to Mr. Schuester. It was a new side of Sue and I liked it. The only other time I think I've seen this side is when we met her disabled sister. I don't know how I'm going to be able to wait until September for it to return.
Pretty Little Liars. I don't know how I feel about this show yet. I love the plot, but I wasn't too crazy about some of things that happened in the pilot. This is why I wanted to read the books. I wanted to know what to expect. I don't know if this show is going to make the cut to become part of my Tuesday evening routine.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Just Another Manic Monday...Not Really
I love that show. It was starting to go downhill a little bit, but I hope this season is better than ever.
Tonight was also The Bachelorette. I recorded it, but I haven't had a chance to watch it yet. I love Ali! She 's so cute and I'm glad Jake didn't let her back on the show and am glad he didn't pick Tenley. They were both too good for him. I hope things work out well for Ali and I can't wait to see who she picks.
That's all for now. I'm sure I'll have lots to say tomorrow after the Glee finale, premiere of Pretty Little Liars and catching up on The Bachelorette.
And thank you Bilbee for becoming a follower. I'm officially halfway to my goal of ten!
Sunday, June 6, 2010
C Is For Cookie
Saturday, June 5, 2010
I Love A Good Deal
(It looks like I took it from a weird angle because I had the green plate upside down and I rotated the picture to fix it. It doesn't look as good as it would have if I took it the right way.)
If you can't tell, the plate is brown and looks AMAZING with the green and red salad plate. I am so "FREAKIN' EXCITED" (Kristen Wiig as Sue, see video) to use them. Now I just need cups that go well with the plates and silverware. And pots and pans. And cooking utensils. Then I'll be all set. If you see a good deal on the few things I still need, please let me know.
Another thing I love is Velocity by Mary Kay. Best products that I have used for acne. I love love love it! I'm mentioning this because I just got my new supply. I love how it's reasonably priced, gentle on skin and bedding (other products I've tried have stained my pillowcase and changed it from brown to orange), and it has a moisturizer instead of a lotion (which I think works better). Oh and it lasts me like six months, twice as long as Proactive and other products.
I love so many more things, but these are the two I chose to share. Otherwise you'd be at your computer for days (as would I writing them all out).
Here's the video of Sue. Hopefully you find it as funny as I do. Sorry about the stupid commercial. I couldn't find the clip on youtube. Also, it's cut off on the right side a little bit, but you can see Sue, which is the important part.
Oh, there's one more thing that I love, well two. And they're not things. They're people. Karryn and Sarah: Thank you for becoming followers! My number has doubled. I'm almost halfway to my ambitious number of 10!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
You Are My Sunshine