So last night I decided it was time for a little change and I got my hair cut. I usually get a haircut around spring (it doesn't really feel like spring in UT) so I guess it wasn't really that spontaneous. Even though my hair wasn't that long because I got it cut about six months ago, it was still a little difficult to watch my hair fall to floor. It's about the same length I always get it cut, but there are more layers and they are a little shorter than I usual (they hit my chin). This picture doesn't really do my new hair cut justice.
APRIL 6th is a popular day for BIRTHDAYS.
FIRST off, today is the Savior's birthday.
This is one of my favorite images of him and was also the cover of my baptism program. Next week is the four year anniversary of my baptism. I can't believe it's only been four years. It feels like it should be longer. So much has changed over the past few years.
SECOND, happy 18th birthday to my gorgeous and talented cousin Kameesha.

I can't believe you're 18 and technically an adult. You are so awesome and I can't wait to see what you do in the future with the AMAZING talent you have. I'm lucky to have a wonderful cousin like you.
THIRD, happy birthday to my BEAUTIFUL roomie ANNIKA!!

I'm so lucky that I got such a fantastic and talented roommate. You are so good at golf you could be the female version of Tiger Woods (minus all the bad stuff, I'm strictly speaking golf). Thanks for making my freshman year so much fun and very eventful. Love ya!
For Annika's birthday dinner Annika, Haley, Ariel and I went to one of her favorite places as well as mine, OLIVE GARDEN!!! It was so delicious. I love love love their bread sticks. I think they're the best I've ever had. While Annika was away from the table we told our waiter that it was Annika's birthday and asked if they could sing to her. Annika's birthday dinner at Olive Garden couldn't have come at a better time. Our waiter told us that in two days they will no longer be singing a birthday song to restaurant patrons due to complaints from other customers. LAME! Olive Garden's famous slogan is "When you're here you're family" and I thought you sing happy birthday to your family. Some family. I guess they don't love us as much as they make us think they do. Anyway, they sang and Annika turned BRIGHT RED. It was pretty funny. Today was a pretty good day.
Happy birthday to anyone else that was lucky enough to be born on April sixth and share their birthday with the savior.
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