Tuesday, May 31, 2011
And the winner is...
I'm calling it now...J.P. wins this season. Ali, the last Bachelorette, feels the same way and no I am not copying her. I looked at a spoiler website last week and saw who the final four were and made my guess. I liked him from the first episode (last week) and he was so cute last night. I think they would be a great couple.
I know I said I liked Will, but I changed my mind. Their date was cute, but I don't see it working out. Actually, I know it won't. Also, the preview for next week shows him acting like a jerk. The guys do a comedy roast about each other (and Ashley) and Will takes it too far.
Jeff. He needs to go home. I initially liked what he was trying to do too, but come on Ashley! Sending home some great guys like Matt (she even talked to his mom on the phone) instead of him was pretty stupid. I like Ashley and all, but she is not making the best decisions right now and it's only the beginning. I was not a fan of doing a a coin toss to determine whether Mickey got a rose or not. That was just rude.
Bentley. I want him to be gone. I know he will be eventually, but I want that time to be now. I don't care if he's only on the show for dramatic purposes or if he really does care about her and is only doing what the producers tell him to. It's not fair to Ashley. Messing with a girl's heart just to boost ratings is not cool in my book. I'm sure lots of people would still watch the show even if there wasn't a guy/girl playing that role each season. I mean, yeah drama is fun to watch and makes the show interesting, but people watch to see two people fall in love.
Speaking of love...
You can get some great advice from people on YouTube. There was one video (I'm not going to mention which one or share the link because the whole thing wasn't the best or have the cleanest language) that was talking about boyfriends and love. I really liked one part. He said, "[Love] is like getting your period. It happens at different times for different people." True words.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Love and Marriage
This came to mind. Anyone else grow up watching the Bundy's?
I was young so don't judge.
I feel like everyone around me is getting married. While I have no plans to follow the current trend anytime soon, I decided to at least start thinking about what I want when that time comes. Some girls have had their dream wedding planned out since they were wee ones. That was never me. Although, once I did plan out how my house would look, but being around ten I had very little knowledge about interior design. I can't remember what colors I chose or how I wanted my house to look, but I'm pretty sure my taste has changed since then...for the better.
Can I just say that looking at wedding blogs and websites is TONS of fun? Seriously, I could spend all day looking at all the good, bad, and ugly (personal opinion) wedding themes and color palettes out there. As much as I love doing it now just for fun, I can't wait until I'm doing it with some purpose.
Choosing a color palette is hard. There are so many options and you have to coordinate your colors with the season. I've already decided I want a summer wedding or early fall (August). This is because I think it would be nice to fulfill my grandmother's dream of having a grandchild married on what our family appropriately calls "The Funny Farm". It's nice property. Obviously we would just have the reception there since the actual ceremony would take place in the temple, but I plan on having a ring ceremony so people that can't be a part of the sealing can still feel included.
Anyway, since my favorite color is green, I'm almost positive it will be one of my colors. At least it is for now, but I know some people change their colors multiple times. Hopefully I'm not like that, even though I am pretty indecisive. Also, I'm not very girly. No pink or purple will be seen at my wedding. I will not change my mind on this. I want to be nice to my husband and have colors he can live with too.
One palette I love right now, that could very well end up being mine in the future, is green and navy. I get my green (not lime, but it's ok) and these colors look good on guys and gals.
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Not the best inspiration board, but I love the tie. |
Another palette I love is Yellow and gray. Can't you tell by my blog?
After seeing Tangled, I thought it would be nice to have those floating lanterns released at night instead of the typical sparkler send off. Also, living where I do and where the reception would be, how awesome would that look? It's basically out in the country so they would definitely look amazing in the sky. I'm pretty sure this idea has become really popular since the movie came out.
The cake. I don't have a clue as to what the outside will will look like, but the inside will most definitely be red velvet. My husband has no say. This was the one wedding related thing that I did decide on long ago.
I know there are so many other things to think about, but I think I've got a pretty good start. Now all I need is a man to help me make it all happen. Speaking of men, I think I'm cursed when it comes to guys and my FHE family. If I think a guy is cute and he is in my family, it will not work. This time, it turns out he is a preemie (hasn't gone on his mission yet) and he has a girlfriend. Oh the things you learn from Facebook, making stalking easier since 2004. Haha. This news is a few weeks old, but I forgot to write about it.
Dear Man of My Dreams, Love of My Life, Soul Mate, Mr. Right, whatever you wished to be called,
Please come into my life soon (but not too soon). I'll be waiting.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
The New Bachelorette
The Bachelorette has started up again! I didn't watch this past season of The Bachelor because it didn't peak my interest, so I don't really know anything about Ashley Herbert. The premiere was good. I already hate Bentley (who hails from SLC), as I'm sure most women do. Ashley got a tip that he's not on the show for the right reasons and you can tell. I noticed some friends on fb talking about him and one of their friends is friends with Bentley's cousin. He said that the producers tell Bentley to say stuff, which makes sense because it's reality t.v. and drama boosts ratings. He's also LDS, but they bleep him out when he doesn't swear. Not sure what all is true, but the show makes him look like a jerk. While I do love me some drama, I feel bad for Ashley. The preview for the season makes it seem like she really falls for him and he makes it pretty far before she figures out that he a lying jerk of a man. There always has to one every season. I felt bad for one guy that really wanted to be there and didn't get to stay because of Bentley.
This season look like it's going to be good. In the premiere, one guy got sent home (before the rose ceremony) for getting drunk and passing out. Not a good first impression. I'm cool with that. I didn't like him because he was giving Jeff a lot of crap for wearing a mask. Jeff decided to wear a mask and keep his face hidden so Ashley gets to know him and doesn't pay attention to looks, but from what I can tell, he doesn't look horrible. There are some pretty good looking guys for her to choose from. My favorites right now (for Ashley, not me) are Will, West, Ryan P. and J.P.
I can't wait for next week and to see how the whole Bentley situation plays out. If you want to know which guys I'm referring to, you can find them here.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
So you have this wooden cylinder on your table that has green, yellow, and red on it. You turn it on the green side when you're ready for meat and different guys come around with all different types of meat (chicken & fish too) and you take what you want. They slice it at your table for you or slide it off the skewer and put it on your plate. It's a nice system. When you need a break from the meat, you turn it on the red side. You lay it flat for yellow when you're ready for dessert or the check.
The meat. I don't know what to say about it besides it was AMAZING! There was sirloin, brisket, chicken wings, chicken hearts, and fish. I really liked this one garlic sirloin or whatever it was. It was melt in your mouth good. Now that's some good meat! There was also cod with a mango sauce that was pretty good. There was bacon wrapped turkey and some sweet pork that was also really good. Basically everything was to die for. I tried a chicken heart too. It wasn't that bad, but it's kind of a gross thought, eating a chicken heart. When I was done, I felt like I had eaten my weight in meat, which is perfectly fine with me.
To help with the digestion process, we walked around the nearby shops. I didn't buy anything, which was probably a good thing. It was a fun day.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Kitchen Aids
Not only do I REALLY want a lovely KitchenAid mixer to adorn my counter top one of these days (hopefully soon), I found a poster of one that would make a cute kitchen decoration.
Seriously, can't you see this hanging on a kitchen wall? I love it! I want it!
I need it!
I need it!
I like this too, but not as much as the mixer.
And this one.
These are the different colors you can have them printed in.
Here is the website if you want to see the other posters they have. Aren't they fun? There are so many cute ones, especially for a child's room.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Stadium of Fire
Ally and I bought our tickets today for Stadium of Fire! You know what that means? It means I get to see DAVID ARCHULETA and Brad Paisley!!!! I'm not a huge country fan, so until July 2nd I will be learning to love Brad Paisley. I don't know any of his songs right now...thank goodness for YouTube. I'm so excited!!! I hope July comes soon.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Real Art
There are some pretty talented people in the world and I happen to go to a school that's full of them, including professors. Did anyone see today's Google animation? Well, that was done by Ryan Woodward, a professor at BYU.
This is another animation of his that I LOVE! I think the first time I saw this was on the BYU website when he completed it or won an award for it or something. I love everything about it. The dance is amazing and fits perfectly with music. This is real art right here.
Ryan Woodward has mad skillz.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
In the Words of Woody Allen...
"There are worse things in life than death. Have you ever spent an evening with an insurance salesman?"
No, no I have not, but I know something worse...Friday by Rebecca Blah! To take it a step further, Glee singing their own cover of Friday.
Seriously, when I heard the music starting I'm pretty sure a little part of me died. Why? Why, of all the hundreds of thousands of songs out there, would you pick that one? Actually, you can't even consider it a song. I don't know how to classify it, but it's definitely not music. Granted, the Glee version was a bazillion times better (it's impossible to be worse than the original), but I was not a fan. Glee, you let me down tonight and I'm sure I'm not the only one.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Under the Tuscan Sun
I wasn't literally, but I pretty much felt that way. Oh how I wish I was really feelin' the rays somewhere Italy! But here is good too. Today was so sunny and warm! I am loving this perfect weather we are currently experiencing in P-town. I can only hope and pray it continues and that we don't see snow again until the winter months.
This evening for dinner I made soup, which was similar to the Tusan soup that's served at Olive Garden. Mind you, mine wasn't as fancy, but it tasted great. That's all that matters, right? Anyways, I ate it sitting on the couch with the blinds wide open and the sun light pouring through. Eating hot soup on a warm day never felt so good!
The only thing that could've made it better would be eating it at Tuscan villa with a great view.
Seriously, I want to go to Italy SO bad! You have no idea. By the time I finally make it there (maybe it'll end up being where I go on my honeymoon whenever I end up getting married, which isn't any time soon), the temple in Rome will be done. I was so excited when I heard that they're are building a temple there. I mean Italy is already beautiful and has tons of beautiful buildings, but add an LDS temple into the mix and oi! Can't get more breathtaking than that!
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What it will look like |
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An aerial rendition of what it will look like |
Look out Italy, here I come! I just don't know when.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Pass The Plates
Tonight Marjorie and I decided to use up some leftover cookie dough to ding dong ditch people and start our own game of "Around the
It was a lot of fun. I did the girls. There are some bushes in front of their doors so I hid behind a big one right in front of the door and Marjorie was laying flat on the grass. I don't think they saw me, but we think Marjorie might have been caught. One girl was looking out the kitchen window trying to see who left the cookies.
We then went to the apartment next to the guys in "Topaz Ten", that's what they call their apartment. They're pretty cool. They were the guys we did the Easter eggs with. We gave Keith (the only guy that was home) some cookies and asked if we could hide in his apartment after ditching. So Marjorie knocked and left the cookies and we hid next door. We were telling Keith about what we were hoping happens with the plates when we realized his kitchen window was open. We could hear them reading the note, so we hope they couldn't hear us laughing next door. If they did, hopefully they don't know who we are.
I like doing little random and spontaneous things like this. I think it would be awesome if we got one of the plates back. I'll be sure to report what become of this little game.
Oh, while I'm on the topic of cookies, we went to the store tonight. It's nice having two roommates with cars instead of a truck because they go the store more often. It's nice not having to stock up for three weeks. It's nice to be able to carry everything up in one load. Anyways, Macey's was having a 2 for $2 sale on Animal Circus Cookies. You know the one's I'm talking about; all pink, white and covered with sprinkles. They were right there when you walk in the door. How could I refuse? I did feel a little regret because that is some delicious temptation I do not need, but I couldn't help it. Makes me feel nostalgic of my childhood. Same thing happens when I see the little red boxes of animal crackers with the string to carry it around.
There are some things you just never grow out of.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Princess G
There has been so much buzz about the royal wedding lately. I was even prompted to watch What a Girl Wants starring Amanda Bynes. Good movie. Later tonight, if I feel so royally inclined, I may watch The Prince & Me. Anyway, I was catching up on some GloZell videos and she posted one about the royal wedding along with her Mum. They are both dressed up and speaking with British accents. I love her mother in the background. At one point her mother says, "Cheerio...and Kellogg's Corn Flakes too." It was so funny and just came out of nowhere. GloZell and her Mamma are quite a pair.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Glasses & Good Lookin' Guys
It's been about a month since I've done an Asian related post (I know how much ya love 'em, don't deny it) so I figured I'd do one because I have nothing better to blog about today, which is fine with me. Today's theme: Asian guys that look great (hot, cute, gorgeous, etc) in glasses. Seriously, I think it's impossible for an Asian guy to look ugly in glasses.
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Lee Min Ho - Hottest Nerd EVER |
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Daniel Henney - Look at that smile! |
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Dennis Oh - Handsome Business Man |
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Choi Minho - Adorable |
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Nichkhun - What a cutie! |
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Song Seung Hun - Mathlete |
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TOP - The Collegiate |
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Food And A Fireside
We made mini cinnamon rolls, had some left over cupcakes from Friday, the girls from one apartment were making cookies when we invited them so they brought those, and one guy brought a random bag of chocolate chips.
When people started coming, we were worried about space. Our living room isn't that big, as it is a small apartment. We ended up with around 30 people at the beginning and 20 stayed to watch the fireside. It was fun having our apartment full of people eating, socializing and being spiritually enlightened.
I'm sure this won't be the last time we do this. I thought it was funny how it was literally a fireside since we still have our little fireplace up from Christmas. Lots of people thought it was creative and they liked it. Now that we have a t.v. and DVD player (we're just missing the cord that connects the two together), I foresee many movie nights in the future. No surprise there, huh?
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