Happy Halloween! I hope everyone has had a spooktacular holiday like I have. Monday night for FHE, our family carved pumpkins @ our apartment. It was fun having everyone crammed into our kitchen. It got really interesting when the guys were collecting the seeds because we wanted to roast them. Matt called his mom and found that the best way was to put all the pumpkin guts in water and the seeds would float. We offered a bowl, but they wanted to just fill our sink. We were a little worried that they might clog it, but they reassured us that wouldn't happen. There were three guys crowded around our little sink (two to push down the guts that managed to float and one to collect the seeds). While they were doing this they were talking about this gas that causes blisters and bleeding in your throat (gross!). Everyone else had left already so it was me, Rylee, Arianna (roommates) and the guys. We had to laugh at their interesting conversation.
When the seeds were collected Matt and Joe left. Chas stayed behind to help us clean up the mess. Isn't he a great FHE brother? After we cleaned the kitchen, we decided to put candles in our pumpkins and take pictures through our kitchen window. Chas got a little too into it. He wanted to move our huge bookshelf from the living room outside so we could place the camera on one of the shelves and use the self timer. We were having problems getting a good picture when others were taking them.
For our ward Halloween party, I dressed up as a bunch of grapes. It was a last minute costume and cheap. Only $2! Perfect on a college student's budget. I covered a black garbage bag with a bunch of purple balloons and wore a brown beret to be the stem. It looked good. Arianna was Snow White and Rylee was a Greek goddess. That was perfect because during the costume contest we ended up going together because Greeks love to eat grapes. She actually "picked" one the grapes. It got some laughs. Almost everyone knew that I was grapes, except for Russell. He's from Ghana so he needed a few hints before he figured out what I was. Russell's costume was hilarious. He and his roommate James dressed up as each other. Russell painted his face white and dressed as a cowboy (James is from the south) while James painted his face dark brown (black) and wore an African looking shirt. Needless to say they won the costume contest.
Overall, I'd say I had a pretty enjoyable Halloween.
Pictures for this post can be seen on facebook.