To you, my readers, I must apologize for the neglect. I am so behind on my blogging! Get comfortable because it's going to be a long one (and probably not all in chronological order because I can't remember exactly when some things happend).

Well, for the past two weeks I have felt like I've stepped out of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. I've been painting our fence almost everyday except the days I've worked at the office. Painting seems like an easy job, but we have A LOT of fence. My longest day painting was six hours! It's not how I thought I'd be spending my summer, but I'm getting an AMAZING tan. I think it's the tannest I've ever been. Maybe. One day, sunhee stayed out with me all day (it was probably my 6 hour day) and we played hang man, which is hard to do when you can't see the letters you've guessed and where they fit in the word. she also serenaded me with Justin Bieber songs. She is so cute and funny. She made the painting go faster. Oh, Nana also gave a roller to paint with after over a week of painting with a small paintbrush! That would have saved me a lot of time. Well, now I definitely go faster. It's been hard to paint a lot in one day though because of the heat. I'm glad we're supposed to get rain next week.

My friend hosted a Cookie Lee Jewelry party and I decided to take Alina. It was a nice little break for her from all the craziness and we had fun. We both tried on jewelry and Alina was the volunteer that the consultant demonstrated all the different things you could do with a few necklaces. I volunteered her because she mentioned that she liked one of the necklaces that was going to be part of the demonstration and she was just so cute standing in fron of everyone. We were actually the first people to arrive so we started looking at everything before the consultant was even finished setting up I wasn't planning on buying anything, but one little guy caught my eye. It was a seahorse necklace that has some bling on it. It was just so cute and Icouldn't stop thinking about it. Alina was the little devil on my shoulder and kept telling me I'd regret not buying it. I knew she was right, but I didn't feel like spending that much money (even though it really wasn't that much). If you book a party you get 50% off a piece of jewelry. I called Nana and asked if I could host a party at our house and she said yes. So, I booked a party just to get the necklace for half the price.
I am working at the office again, which is a good thing because I had to quit my job for College Works Painting. It was costing me to work there because my phone bill spiked from all the minutes I was using calling people. This is really old news though. I quit like a month ago. I didn't like that job anyway. My boss or whatever she was played favorites with this one girl because she knew her dad, we had to use our own laptops and cell phones, and she wasn't happy when we didn't book any estimates or get leads for house painting. It's not my fault if people can't afford to have their house painted, don't want it painted, or recently had it painted.

A few weeks ago we had a Tongan family from California stay with us for a few days. Their son got a full ride to play football at OSU. Watch out for Mana Tuivailala, #57 I believe. He's known back home as the "Gentle Giant". He's huge! When they were here we got to see some video clips of his high school football career. He's pretty good. So keep your eyes peeled.
I made some amazing cupcakes while we had our Tongan visitors. They were a pineapple cupcake with a pomegranate cream cheese frosting. They were pretty much perfection in cupcake form! They made me want to be on a tropical island or a caribbean cruise or something. I'm making them again for our next break the fast at church. It's summer theme and nothing says summer like these fantastic fruity cupcakes. I'm so pleased with myself and my amazing baking skillz. Can you tell?

My latest song obsession has been Love The Way You Lie by Eminem feat. Rhianna (the clean version of course). LOVE IT! I lsten to it over and over while at work. It is my goal to have the whole rap down. I have bits and pieces and most of the end memorized. It was a great song to listen to during the week I that I can only describe as hell. Even though it's the clean version, it kind of made me feel better just knowing that there were supposed to be swear words. He was saying the words I felt like saying, but didn't. I honestly don't think I could say those words if I wanted to. Usually I like to listen to songs that lift me up, but I was just so steaming mad that I turned to rap to deal with my feelings.

I'm excited to see The Bachelorette finally on Monday. I was so mad about what Frank did. I really liked him. I'm mad that he took the chance away from Kirk to further his relationship with Ali. I think Roberto or Chris would be great for Ali. I'm leaning more twords Chris though. I just think the way his family is and because of his mom that they would have a better chance at making down the aisle. Most of the couples from the Bachelor(ette) fail. I think Ali would have a little more fun with Roberto, but I don't they would be as good together as she would be with Chris. I can't wait to see what happens!
Last Sunday I gave a talk in church on pioneers for Pioneer Day (July 24th). Public speaking is one of my least favorite things to do. Even though my branch is small, it was still nerve wracking. It also took me forever to write since it had to be ten minutes long. I tend to talk faster when nervous so ten minutes is a lot of time for me to fill. I kept practicing and timing myself and kept coming up short. Hopefully it's a while before I have to, ahem, get to give another talk. I lucked out last year at BYU and didn't have to give one. I guess it was my time though, it had been a little over a year since I had the oppotunity (I'm trying to be positive here) to speak in sacrament meeting.
I have less than a month before I head back to school. How crazy is that?!? This summer feels like it's traveling at the speed of light. My time at home hasn't been long enough, although it will be nice to get away from my chores and family drama. Those two things I will not miss. My family (people that don't cause problems), food (I have excellent chefs in my family), and friends I most definitely will. I am getting excited to live in my apartment. I pretty much have everything I need. Just a few more things on the list and then I'm good to go like a taco bell crunch wrap supreme. Ha, look at me advertising for taco bell. Surprisingly, I haven't had taco bell since being home.

I love The Vampire Diaries t.v. series. It's so good and the leading male vamps are way better looking than Rob Pattinson. I am almost done with the book series. It pretty good, but I like the show better. The book is so different and I don't like how many times Elena has died and come back or been like a spirit helping from beyond. The show is like a thousand times better. Since I watched the show first, I pictured the t.v. characters while reading the book. It was a good and a bad thing. I like the way the t.v. characters look better than the way they are described in the books. Paul Wesley and Ian Somerhalder are smokin' hot in my opinion and picturing them added to the books. Sometimes it kind of ruined the book because I just could picture them doing some of the things in the books. Anyway, I have one more book to go. I thought I checked all of them out from the library because I took every one they had. The way the 6th one ended I knew there had to be another one. Neither the Albany or Corvallis library has the last book. I don't know how I'm going to get my hands on it, but I have to know what happens. So, I hope I figure out something soon.
Well, I think that's pretty much all that's been going on.